

Investigative work on Facebook

I am looking for a very specific investigation on Facebook - details to be discussed with any applicant that is extremely conversant with Facebook.  This is not advertising or marketing, but investigation of specific things.
  • Closed
  • Budget:

Bidders // 8


  • Bidder
  • Bilyana Ilieva   I'm interested in your offer. I am very good at researching and investigation. I think I fit your offer perfectly.
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 20%
  • 10 days

  • Bidder
  • Nedko Dobromirov     Hello, I am interested!
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 20%
  • 10 days

  • Bidder
  • Yoana Zheleva     I am interested in your offer and I own the skills for perfect performance.
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 30%
  • 5 days

  • Bidder
  • Ruslan Dimitrov     Hello, I am interested
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 0%
  • 5 days

  • Bidder
  • Iva Ivanova     Hello, I am interested in your offer. I am highly motivated and I am good in research. Also I speak 3 languages, which might help in the investigation. Last but not least I can be flexible on the pricing and the Deadlines.
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 10%
  • 3 days
  • 20 BGN

  • Bidder
  • milenastoynova     Мисля, че мога да ви бъда от полза/
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 40%
  • 1 days