

Laratrus inplementation in Laravel project

Simple Laravel project to manage users, permissions, roles and teams based on santigarcor/laratrust. The table representation should be based on yajra/laravel-datatables (an example will be provided with the code). Knowledge of Git and bootstrap is required. Git account is required.
User page - add, edit, list and delete. User page has to show all the teams, the user is assigned, what role and permissions are assigned.
Team page - create, edit, list and delete. Assign Roles to the Team. Every team should show users assigned and their roles. Teams are isolated, meaning admin from one team cant have access to admin permissions of another team (this is an option in LARATRUST).
Role page - create, edit, list and delete. Assign permissions to the roles and unassigned it.
Permission page - add, edit, list and delete.
All methods should be unit tested.
Functional test for all the functionality.
Please apply only if you are ready to fulfil all the requirements. Code should follow PSR-2 standard.
Using only Eloquent and Relationships, no raw SQL. Laratrust methods to get the required information when possible.
Payment will be made after reviewing and testing all the requirements set in this project.
Initial code will be supplied. If required, an example will be provided.
Initial code has already developed:
User page - list users using laravel datatable. To be used for all pages that show users. To develop: add user, edit user details with the option to assign and unassign teams with roles. Delete user. User can be assigned to multiple Teams with different roles chained to the specific team. Unit and Functional test to be developed.
Team page - basic list, add, edit and delete Teams is developed. Have to be updated to use Laratrust methods to assign User with Role, show users with roles assigned to the Team. Unit and Functional tests.
Role page - basic list, add, edit and delete Roles is developed. Have to be updated to use Laratrust methods to assign Permissions to the Role, show Teams using this role, shows users using this role. Unit and Functional tests.
Permissions page - basic list, add, edit and delete is developed. Have to be updated to use Laratrust methods to assign permissions to the Role, show users having this permission, show Teams having these permissions. Unit and Functional tests.

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