

Looking for someone who can help us

I have one good idea so you can get the monthly income freely.
We need many web developers to get more money.
Currently, we have some applicants to help us.
But we need more applicants now.
If you can help us, please don't hesitate to contact us.
If you help us, we will pay you monthly salary as free.
I hope you don't miss this fantastic opportunity.
And look forward to your bids.
live: .cid.6a757d0bba376b92    
Thank you for your attention, I wish all the candidates success!
  • Затворен
  • Бюджет 1 000лв.

Кандидати // 4


  • Кандидат
  • Pavlen Avramov   I have someone who can help. Can you send me the attached file at [ Моля, не публикувайте линкове и данни за контакт тук, използвайте профила си като визитка, където можете да добавите допълнителна информация за вас и вашата дейност като уеб сайтове, портфолио страници и др. ]
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 0%
  • 10 дни
  • 1000 лв.

  • Кандидат
  • yoanna83     Hello,may be I can help ,please contact me as soon as possible
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 20%
  • 10 дни

  • Кандидат
  • antonshopov5     Hello, I have recently created a blog website in Laravel. I will be happy to try and help you!
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 20%
  • 30 дни