

Приложение за следене на навиците, написано на Python - Курсова работа на английски

Създаване на приложение за следене на навиците, без графичен интерфейс.

Описване на стъпките, по които се създава приложението.

  • Затворен
  • Бюджет

Кандидати // 4

  • Кандидат
  • Веселин Василев     Здравейте ! Изпратих Ви лично съобщение. Благодаря Ви много за отделеното внимание !!!!
    Поздрави: Веселин Василев.
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 30%
  • 10 дни

  • Кандидат
  • Божидар Георгиев     from datetime import datetime, timedelta

    class Habit:
    def __init__(self, task, periodicity):
    self.task = task
    self.periodicity = periodicity
    self.completions = []
    self.last_completed = None
    self.streak = 0

    def check_off(self):
    now = datetime.now()
    if not self.last_completed or now - self.last_completed > self.periodicity:
    self.streak = 1
    self.streak += 1
    self.last_completed = now

    def is_broken(self):
    if not self.last_completed:
    return True
    return datetime.now() - self.last_completed > self.periodicity

    def get_streak(self):
    if self.is_broken():
    return 0
    return self.streak

    class User:
    def __init__(self, name):
    self.name = name
    self.habits = []

    def add_habit(self, habit):

    def get_longest_streak(self):
    return max((habit.get_streak() for habit in self.habits), default=0)

    def get_daily_habits(self):
    daily_period = timedelta(days=1)
    return [habit for habit in self.habits if habit.periodicity = past_period]
    if len(completions_in_period) < period.days / habit.periodicity.days:
    return struggling_habits

    # Usage example
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Define some habits
    habit1 = Habit("Brush teeth", timedelta(days=1))
    habit2 = Habit("Go to the gym", timedelta(weeks=1))

    # Create a user and add habits
    user = User("John Doe")

    # Check off some tasks
    habit1.check_off() # brushing teeth
    habit2.check_off() # going to the gym

    # Print longest streak
    print(f"Longest streak: {user.get_longest_streak()} days")

    # Print daily habits
    daily_habits = user.get_daily_habits()
    print("Daily habits:", [habit.task for habit in daily_habits])

    # Print struggling habits in the last month
    struggling_habits = user.get_struggling_habits(timedelta(days=30))
    print("Struggling habits:", [habit.task for habit in struggling_habits])
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 50%
  • 5 дни
  • 150 лв.

  • Кандидат
  • Божидар Георгиев     from datetime import datetime, timedelta

    class Habit:
    def __init__(self, task, periodicity):
    self.task = task
    self.periodicity = periodicity
    self.completions = []
    self.last_completed = None
    self.streak = 0

    def check_off(self):
    now = datetime.now()
    if not self.last_completed or now - self.last_completed > self.periodicity:
    self.streak = 1
    self.streak += 1
    self.last_completed = now

    def is_broken(self):
    if not self.last_completed:
    return True
    return datetime.now() - self.last_completed > self.periodicity

    def get_streak(self):
    if self.is_broken():
    return 0
    return self.streak

    class User:
    def __init__(self, name):
    self.name = name
    self.habits = []

    def add_habit(self, habit):

    def get_longest_streak(self):
    return max((habit.get_streak() for habit in self.habits), default=0)

    def get_daily_habits(self):
    daily_period = timedelta(days=1)
    return [habit for habit in self.habits if habit.periodicity = past_period]
    if len(completions_in_period) < period.days / habit.periodicity.days:
    return struggling_habits

    # Usage example
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Define some habits
    habit1 = Habit("Brush teeth", timedelta(days=1))
    habit2 = Habit("Go to the gym", timedelta(weeks=1))

    # Create a user and add habits
    user = User("John Doe")

    # Check off some tasks
    habit1.check_off() # brushing teeth
    habit2.check_off() # going to the gym

    # Print longest streak
    print(f"Longest streak: {user.get_longest_streak()} days")

    # Print daily habits
    daily_habits = user.get_daily_habits()
    print("Daily habits:", [habit.task for habit in daily_habits])

    # Print struggling habits in the last month
    struggling_habits = user.get_struggling_habits(timedelta(days=30))
    print("Struggling habits:", [habit.task for habit in struggling_habits])
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 50%
  • 5 дни
  • 150 лв.

  • Кандидат
  • Божидар Георгиев     from datetime import datetime, timedelta

    class Habit:
    def __init__(self, task, periodicity):
    self.task = task
    self.periodicity = periodicity
    self.completions = []
    self.last_completed = None
    self.streak = 0

    def check_off(self):
    now = datetime.now()
    if not self.last_completed or now - self.last_completed > self.periodicity:
    self.streak = 1
    self.streak += 1
    self.last_completed = now

    def is_broken(self):
    if not self.last_completed:
    return True
    return datetime.now() - self.last_completed > self.periodicity

    def get_streak(self):
    if self.is_broken():
    return 0
    return self.streak

    class User:
    def __init__(self, name):
    self.name = name
    self.habits = []

    def add_habit(self, habit):

    def get_longest_streak(self):
    return max((habit.get_streak() for habit in self.habits), default=0)

    def get_daily_habits(self):
    daily_period = timedelta(days=1)
    return [habit for habit in self.habits if habit.periodicity = past_period]
    if len(completions_in_period) < period.days / habit.periodicity.days:
    return struggling_habits

    # Usage example
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Define some habits
    habit1 = Habit("Brush teeth", timedelta(days=1))
    habit2 = Habit("Go to the gym", timedelta(weeks=1))

    # Create a user and add habits
    user = User("John Doe")

    # Check off some tasks
    habit1.check_off() # brushing teeth
    habit2.check_off() # going to the gym

    # Print longest streak
    print(f"Longest streak: {user.get_longest_streak()} days")

    # Print daily habits
    daily_habits = user.get_daily_habits()
    print("Daily habits:", [habit.task for habit in daily_habits])

    # Print struggling habits in the last month
    struggling_habits = user.get_struggling_habits(timedelta(days=30))
    print("Struggling habits:", [habit.task for habit in struggling_habits])
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 50%
  • 5 дни
  • 150 лв.