Обява за работа
Working Remotely from Anywhere in Bulgaria with Hebrew Language / Дистанционна работа с ИВРИТ
As a Customer Support Representative you will be a part of a great team and all together will:
Listen and respond to customers' queries by phone and email
Identify and assess customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction
As a candidate, you do not need to have experience in a similar role but you should be fluent in Hebrew and a good level of English
In return, we will give you:
Work from Anywhere in Bulgaria
Fully paid training
Full work equipment which will be sent to your address
Stable job and career development opportunities
Attractive salary
Additional health insurance
50+ benefits and services to choose from
Positive international working environment
Support and learning
Does it sound like the perfect job for you?
Apply now from link below
Last day to apply: 31-Dec-2025
Email: ngogoffgmail.com
- Предлага работа
- Възнаграждение:
- 18.02.2025
- Николай Георгиев