

Angular 2+ Project

We have a small angular 2+ project with a form and an upload field. 

If work is done well we can keep the relation ship up for ongoing bigger projects.

  • Closed
  • Budget: 260BGN

Bidders // 3

  • Bidder
  • Aiya     Im interested. I need a work like this.
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 20%
  • 3 days

  • Bidder
  • Miroslav Mihalakev     Hi,
    I`m an angular developer and I`m interested in this project.
    If you are interested too, you can send me a pm with the details.

    Thanks in advance.
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 20%
  • 4 days

  • Bidder
  • Ivanoff Dev     Hi! I have a skills with AngularJS, Ajax, jQuery in big web projects (Apps). PM me for more details :)
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 30%
  • 5 days