Public Profile
Aneliya Kul Alnas
I am an experienced web designer with both programming and graphic design skills, specializing in usability and user experience.
- Produced websites using XHTML, HTML, CSS and Flash that are standards compliant, SEO optimized, and multi-browser compatible.
- Developed user-interface architecture and navigation for websites improving usability and resulted in increased traffic.
- Managed and maintained Wordpress with Buddypress social media websites.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Wordpress, Magento
- On-page & Off-page SEO
- Digital Marketing
- Technical High School of Varna with Computer Technics and Technologies profile
- Technical University of Varna with Computer Systems and Technologies profile
- Produced websites using XHTML, HTML, CSS and Flash that are standards compliant, SEO optimized, and multi-browser compatible.
- Developed user-interface architecture and navigation for websites improving usability and resulted in increased traffic.
- Managed and maintained Wordpress with Buddypress social media websites.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Wordpress, Magento
- On-page & Off-page SEO
- Digital Marketing
- Technical High School of Varna with Computer Technics and Technologies profile
- Technical University of Varna with Computer Systems and Technologies profile
Feedbacks & Reviews
Работата с Анелия беше удоволствие за мен. Коректна, точна и отговорна по отношение на поетия ангажимент. Когато знаеш какво търсиш и какво даваш насреща, нещата се случват лесно и бързо без излишно губене на време. Със сигурност бих си сътудничила с нея отново!
Eleonora Petrova / 04.12.2020 / Rating: 6
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