Public Profile
Diyana Gadzhilova
![*](/images/avatars/1/4/1/9/7/Untitled-1 copy.png)
Hallo! Bonjour! Aloha! Shalom! Namaste!
My name is Diana Gadzhilova and I work as a web/graphic designer.
I specialize in online art and I love visualizing your ideas using the latest and most successful web design concept tools, such as Photoshop and Illustrator . I have a proven track of meeting and exceeding client requests, because I think of your objective as a personal goal of my own. While I thrive in a team working environment I am also very well organized alone and I work well within set deadlines. I believe in a collaborative approach to every task, as more heads think better than one and eventually produce higher quality results. Through the wide range of environments I've worked in and the extra software training I have participated in I have developed excellent social and technical skills that I continue to refine on a daily basis. Despite the fact that I am often stereotyped as a workaholic, I never miss a Kango class or an opportunity to go for a long hike in the mountains or skinny trails along the cliffside of the shore.
My name is Diana Gadzhilova and I work as a web/graphic designer.
I specialize in online art and I love visualizing your ideas using the latest and most successful web design concept tools, such as Photoshop and Illustrator . I have a proven track of meeting and exceeding client requests, because I think of your objective as a personal goal of my own. While I thrive in a team working environment I am also very well organized alone and I work well within set deadlines. I believe in a collaborative approach to every task, as more heads think better than one and eventually produce higher quality results. Through the wide range of environments I've worked in and the extra software training I have participated in I have developed excellent social and technical skills that I continue to refine on a daily basis. Despite the fact that I am often stereotyped as a workaholic, I never miss a Kango class or an opportunity to go for a long hike in the mountains or skinny trails along the cliffside of the shore.
Feedbacks & Reviews
Препоръчвам с две ръце - професионално и изключително бързо! Много съм доволна от лого, което Дияна направи за мен, както и от дизайн на табела. Точна е и се работи много лесно с нея :)
Mariya Matveeva / 13.02.2019 / Rating: 6
Изключително добра работа на Дияна.
Работила е по наш проект през 2017 и 2018г. Нямаме никакви забележки. Работи бързо и внимателно. Според нас се справя чудесно и бихме я препоръчали без притеснения.
GENADI DRAGOMANOV / 13.08.2018 / Rating: 6
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