
Обява за работа

Senior Fullstack Engineer - Node.js, React

We are looking for a competent and proactive engineer to help us to further enhance and scale up our GHG platform and to build with us our sustainable mobility platform.

We are working with AWS, managed services in a modular microservice setup, REST APIs, ReactJS, NodeJS. 

What skills you should bring to the team:

  • 5+ years professional experience as a software web developer
  • 4+ years of experience with Javascript
  • 3+ years of experience with Node.js
  • 3+ years of experience with ReactJS
  • Experience with postgres database and one of popular ORMs (eg. Prisma)
  • great understanding of the software development process
  • detailed understanding of programming paradigms like object oriented, functional or reactive
  • Experience with at least one modern CI/CD system
  • Experience with AWS Lambda and IaC using terraform is welcomed
  • you should be eager and to learn and grow your skills further
  • you should be open to go out of the comfort zone from time to time to tackle some new challenging tasks
  • you have to speak English fluently

You will become integral part of the team and for that we are looking for someone to join us full-time ~40h/week. 

For more info and details, don't hesitate to contact us.

Възложител: carbonify GmbH
Email: se-jobscarbonify.de
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