Public Profile
Pavlina Mitreva
Hello everyone, I am a positive and creative person with strong attention to details, strict to deadlines, very patient and calm.
My interests cover fields in IT sector, Animation, 2D characters design, Logo design, T-shirt design and clothing, Asian culture, dancing, stage costume creation, hairstyle, make up and appearance, fashion, translations etc.
I've got my qualifications GCSE Maths and English this year in Nottingham UK, and I am currently finishing Digital Marketing and Graphic design course level 4.
Previous qualification in Designing and constructing of clothing - 2007
I've got seven years experience in Dance teaching in both Bulgaria and England.
5 x 1st places in Kpop Cover Dance competitions and was a Judge as in dance categories for Go to Korea Kpop Cover dance Bulgaria 2015 and UK Kpop Competition Keele, England;
My interests cover fields in IT sector, Animation, 2D characters design, Logo design, T-shirt design and clothing, Asian culture, dancing, stage costume creation, hairstyle, make up and appearance, fashion, translations etc.
I've got my qualifications GCSE Maths and English this year in Nottingham UK, and I am currently finishing Digital Marketing and Graphic design course level 4.
Previous qualification in Designing and constructing of clothing - 2007
I've got seven years experience in Dance teaching in both Bulgaria and England.
5 x 1st places in Kpop Cover Dance competitions and was a Judge as in dance categories for Go to Korea Kpop Cover dance Bulgaria 2015 and UK Kpop Competition Keele, England;
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